Enquiry Form





    by / Wednesday, 14 October 2015 / Published in Latest posts

    Career opportunities are rapidly increasing for lean six sigma professionals.

    Organization prefers professionals trained on Six Sigma and lean as their thought process is broadened and they understand the importance of the processes.

    Within Your Organization, you can enhance your career as a black belt or a green belt  through six sigma training and certification. Initially an organization may use the services of a consultant but over a period of time, top managements prefer to use internal resources at all levels such as  Champions, Green Belts, Black Belts and Master Black Belts.

    Placement for All

    A keyword search for Six Sigma in any of the popular job portals reveal the large number of available jobs and related information like the level of employment, salary etc. Both freshly trained as well as experienced black belts are in great demand. Of course the demand is higher for persons who have certified as Green Belt, Black Belt and implemented at least one six sigma black belt project.

    To achieve success, the Six Sigma Green Belts and Black Belts need to work an open mind and us their analytical abilities. They must develop the ability to question things with a view to making a core contribution. Most important, self-confidence, high degree of motivation and ability to work in teams are necessary.
